Man Overboard: The Most Feared Words in Ocean Rowing
The Toby Wallace Atlantic Rowing Tragedy – January/February 2016
The Toby Wallace Atlantic Row – January/February 2016
Tragedy struck in the night of February 14th. Location close to 18 29′ N 039 06′ W. over a thousand miles from land. https://my.yb.tl/oceanusrowing
Simon gave a loud warning shout, “big wave”. I looked up to see a monster swell coming at us fast out of the dark; it was the size of a two storey building. This rogue wave was arriving from unexpected direction intent on broadsiding our row boat. Not to break over but pummelled through us like a water tornado.
The immense power of unstoppable maelstrom of angry sea water lifted me and ripped my rowing seat from its fixings, luckily dumping me in a tangle, hard into the small corner of the low 300 mm gunnel and cabin bulkhead; luckily not over the side.
Moments later I heard Simon shout those most dreaded words.
“Man Over Board”.
My hardwired primal instinct for survival kicked in. I fought to get up to see the ‘Strokes’ seat was empty.
Mike was gone.
After 12 hr search by air and sea the rescue operation was called off.
The sea had taken my friend and colleague ‘Mike Johnson’.
Mike Johnson, 21, was thrown overboard during rough seas at night on 14 February 2016.
To my recall, my last sighting of Mike before he was lost to the sea was 60/70 minutes after going overboard.
A freighter, named the Sea Pearl, was a little over 100 miles from our position and was now heading our way.
We were all soaked through; some were suffering from mild hypothermia. The skipper ordered us to leave the deck and get back into our cabins until morning.
The Sea Pearl picked us up that evening.
I was first to climb up a flexible Jacob’s rope ladder hanging down the side of the freighter. A couple of the crew assisted me over the guardrail and led me to a safe seating position of a relieved man.
The rest of our crew followed and the Toby Wallace was cut loose and abandoned.
A seaman steadied me as he guided me to a single cabin that had a bed, chair, table and little bathroom > pure luxury.
Firstly for me was a cup of real Java, drank whilst stripping off ready for a hot shower, lots of soap, a proper sit down dump; followed by another hot shower.
The ship’s Captain and every member of his crew went out of their way to look after us; my crew spent their time in the lounge enjoying a beer or three…
Even under those most tragic and stressful of circumstances I preferred to sit up in the quiet of the ships bridge and enjoy a coffee.

At 68 years old, reflecting on my checkered past, I couldn’t help but remember Mike—a remarkable and gifted young man with a boundless future ahead of him. The question lingers: Why him?
12th September 2023 **UK Ocean Rower Sentenced After Crew Member Lost At Sea…
Simon Chalk appeared in court in Bristol, western England, on Tuesday and pleaded guilty to failing to take all reasonable measures to ensure the safe operation of his vessel, the Toby Wallace.
The charge, under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995, was brought after 21-year-old Michael Johnson was swept from the craft on February 15, 2016. Chalk, who skippered and owned the vessel, was sentenced to 12 months in jail, suspended for 12 months, and ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid work.
#livealifetodiefor #MoreThanMyPast #itsrogerx #RNLI #oceanrowing #worldrowing
I want to tell you more about my extraordinary journey.
Crew Profiles for the “TOBY WALLACE” January 2016
Toby Wallace Atlantic Row 2016
As I have grown older, well-travelled and somewhat more informed I truly appreciate ‘Time’ is my most precious resource. ‘A day at a time’, I accept I am passing through Life just this once! I choose not to waste the Adventure!
Atlantic Row 2016 Photos