Collins Onyango
Collins Omondi Onyango lost both parents; father died before he was born and his mother was found dead with him feeding on her milk.. Initially he was cared for by his Grandmother, who sacrificed a lot for him. Due to circumstances it was best that he was admitted into the orphanage. On arrival he was very cold and sad, always…
The Equator Water Trick: An Astonishing Natural Phenomenon
I experienced the Equator water test; and confirm that I witnessed (with my own eyes, not theory) 10 ft north of the equator when you pull the plug the water goes clockwise and just 10ft south of the equator the water goes anti clockwise. The Coriolis effect makes water drain counter-clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere but clockwise in the Southern…
Moses Ochieng at the tender age of 18 months, was found abandoned at Yala railway station. He was sat crying, with his clothes stuffed in a paper bag next to him. Children’s officer found him there, picked him up and took him to the hospital for treatment. Coughing, running nose and rashes over his body. He was brought to the…
Linet Adiambo Ochiege was found on her way to visit an Auntie in Nairobi; she had be given only 400 shilingis which is insufficient and was made to get off the bus in Nakuru. The police found her adrift on the streets, they put her in prison for 2 months while they made a futile attempt to find her immediate…
Experiencing Dire Poverty Can Transform Your Perspective
It’s incredible how experiences like living among extreme poverty can re-calibrate our perspectives on what truly matters. Your recognition of the dichotomy between enjoying material benefits and the profound impact of challenges or helping others is profound. Even small steps towards overcoming challenges or aiding others can shift our outlook on life. On reflection; personally I found that these experiences…
Sharon Apiyo was brought to the orphanage at the age of 6yrs after mother died. Her father is an active alcoholic. When Sharon was admitted she had really bad Jiggers and insecticide had to use to remove them. Enthusiastic at school and wants to be a teacher. *Jiggers is the local name for a flea size parasite that lays eggs…
Collins Omondi Onyango lost both parents; father died before he was born and his mother was found dead with him feeding on her milk.. Initially was cared for by his Grandmother, who sacrificed a lot for him. Due to circumstances it was best if he was admitted into the orphanage. On arrival he was very cold and sad, always shivering;…
Ruth Auma
Ruth Auma Onyango at 7yrs old was found wandering the streets and in need of medical attention. She remembers staying with her Mother, but reveals very little else, which is hardly surprising after she confided to Mama Rose, that her mother tied her hands together and burned them with a giko (charcoal oven/grill), then told her to leave. The parent…
Two brothers in the Orphanage
In 2008 two young brothers were taken into the Orphanage Andy 3yrs and Chris 18 months. The family background is vague; it is suggested strongly that the Father was mentally challenged and the mother was not around. Andy did not speak, he was terrified of people and was constantly missing. He did not respond to calls and was always eventual…
Hygiene for Rural Africa’s Unique Challenges: Best Solutions and Strategies
Personal hygiene is paramount for me, a Mgeni (foreigner), whose internal system is relatively fragile compared with locals. Everything I touch has some form of bacteria on it, in it and around it; this is the case everywhere except possibly in sterile labs and hospital theatres. Lucky most ‘English Bacteria’ my body is capable of dealing with when in the…