• cooking while camping
    Camping,  Camping / Equipment & Accessories,  Critical items you ‘Need’ to Survive an Adventure,  How To's,  My Blog

    “FOOD” – Is The Ultimate Fuel for Your Body

    An average person can survive up to 3 Weeks without Food Our body and brain require a steady supply of food and nutrients: without the body’s many systems will begin to deteriorate. The effects may include you feeling tired, weak, cognitive changes and ultimately organ failure. Transform Your Health: Unleash the Benefits of Proper Nutrition Energize Your Life: How the Right Food Choices Can Fuel Your Body Optimize Performance: Food is Your Body’s Best Fuel Unlock Vitality: Food is the Ultimate Source of Energy for Your Body Healthy Living: Harness the Power of Food to Boost Your Well-being When on an Adventure – I recommend freeze dried meals for your health, enjoyment and survival.…

  • How To's,  My Blog

    High Altitude Acclimatization: How to’s for Smooth Adjustment

    If you “Acclimatise” safely your body will respond and adapt; allowing you to enjoy the mountains Basic – Climb High, Sleep Low *Walk with your head up, suck it all in – take plenty of pictures. You may pass this way only this once!   Mountain Sickness AMS *Health and Safety’s Mountain’ Mantra; “better safe than sorry”. #livealifetodiefor #MoreThanMyPast #itsrogerx

  • people rowing
    My Blog,  Recovery,  Speaking

    Life in the Balance : The Vital Role of Recovery

    Discover how the absence of Recovery impacted one person’s life drastically. Read this compelling story about struggle, survival, and the critical need for recovery to regain control and well-being. My  Recovery from Crime, Addiction, Cancer and Mental Health problems was a challenging and rewarding journey. I cannot always control the events that occur in my life, but I have complete control over my responses to those events. It is our response that ultimately determines the outcome In 1983 after being clean and sober for 2 years I was still holding on tightly to the old ways. My reaction to most situations was to attack first. I had yet another fight or…

  • Critical items you ‘Need’ to Survive an Adventure,  My Blog

    Knife Blade Points: Discover the Best Tasks for Each Type

    Learn which tasks each knife blade point excels at. From piercing to precision cuts, find out how to choose the right blade for your needs with our comprehensive guide. Drop-point : good compromise between strength and utility Sheepsfoot : false point – slicing, whittling & ideal to cut rope Clip-point : for more delicate and precision work Straight Back : sturdy, ideal for cutting and chopping Tanto Blade : strong, handy for pushing cuts and piercing Gut Hook : skinning and field dressing wild game Trailing-Point : filleting, skinning and camp food prepping “Your knife is your life”: You’re only as sharp as your knife and your survival knife is…

  • Cancer,  My Blog,  Recovery,  Speaking

    Cancer and Chemotherapy: A Powerful Journey to Recovery

    Let’s talk about My Cancer & Chemol On Monday 21st September 2020 I underwent a CT scan on my thorax; and on the 29th, Dr T Nakos told me that I did indeed have cancer. A few days later Dr J R Jones, a Consultant Haematologist, confirmed the diagnosis; I had B-cell Lymphoma Cancer. My first thought was ‘game over’ My second was ‘you bloody drama queen!’  After the initial shock of being told I had cancer, I felt numb; then slowly emotions of anger, anxiety and sadness jumbled around inside my head. I felt I had to ask the big question: ‘OK, doc, give it to me straight. How…

  • How To's,  My Blog

    Thorough Research: The Key to Successful Adventure Planning

    The important part of planning an Adventure is ‘Research’ Thorough research is the crucial first step in planning any adventure. It lays the foundation for success, transforming vague dreams into actionable plans. By diving deep into the details, you uncover hidden gems, anticipate challenges, and optimize your Adventure for both safety and enjoyment. Whether you’re trekking through the wilderness, or embarking on a new ‘outdoor event’, thorough research empowers you to make informed decisions, enhancing every aspect of your adventure. With every fact uncovered and every insight gained, your adventure moves from a dream to a well-planned reality, poised to be as rewarding as it is unforgettable. • Match Adventures…

  • Fitness,  How To's,  My Blog

    A Positive Mindset: Proven Best for Endurance Running

    Mindset Matters – Preparation for a long run and an endurance event – begins in your head. … Long-distance running is as much a mental challenge as it is a physical one. Along with a rigorous physical training regimen, it’s crucial to also train your mind to endure the distance. Time on Your Feet – This training philosophy encourages both novices and experienced athletes, to build endurance gradually. **Knowledge without mileage is just Talk…• Targeting small goals keeps you moving and boosts your confidence. • Always start with a ‘warm up routine’; it gets the blood flowing and stretching keeps you more flexible.• Step up strength, endurance and cardio; by…

  • ppeople rowing on the sea
    Adventures,  Boating / Kayaking,  Cancer,  Expeditions,  Marine,  My Blog,  Speaking

    My Ultimate Kayaking Adventure : Crossing The English Channel both ways

    I embarked on the ultimate kayak journey across the English Channel, paddling from Dungeness, UK to Boulogne, France. Discover tips, routes, and the adventure of a lifetime! BBC . South East Today – Evening News 25.6.2021 – I’m on the Telly!!! On the 3rd February 2021, I completed my chemotherapy treatment for Cancer and rang the Bell. Six months later 3rd August 2021 to celebrate this milestone I paddled a red kayak from Dungeness to Boulogne on the Frech Coast, sporting my “Chemo Curls.” Being featured on the BBC in the South East is a great way to share an inspiring journey with a wider audience. I do my story…

  • My Blog

    Exposing Fraud: The Hidden World of Dodgy Insurance Claims

    During the 1990’s I was discreetly contracted by specialist cargo underwriters on behalf of the world’s biggest insurance market; based within the City of London’s financial square mile. London is home to the world’s leading insurance platform, a unique indoor marketplace! Accommodating within and under its umbrella are the very ‘best of the best’ specialist Underwriters; men and women, who are at the cutting edge of the world’s 50 plus primary Insurance Companies. My first assignment was to covertly visit, observe and report on the Rice trade in West Africa. Sounded so simple! Rice may initially appear as a commonplace and inexpensive commodity. Yet, when considering the broader economic context,…

  • My Blog

    My Love for The Gentle Art of Fly Fishing

    Gentle Art of Fly Fishing takes skill, focus and almost meditative patience – The last gift I received from my mum before she passed away in 1997 at the age of 72 was a fly fishing rod, reel, and special fly line. She also arranged casting lessons with Robin Elwes, who has since become my long-term fishing companion. An all-encompassing gift, which to me it has become much more; it’s a Legacy that has opened the door for a lifetime of special days for me. My Mum must have remembered the fun I had experienced fishing as a young boy 45 years before! I caught my first fish in the…

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Live a Life to Die For

This is the remarkable and inspiring true story of a man who went from being a violent criminal and alcoholic to a charity worker, extreme adventurer and World Record holder.