• My Blog

    A Fascinating Look Back: The Most Bizarre Job Interview 1979

    It certainly was an Unconventional and Offbeat Job Interview Experience In 1979 and again in the early 1982/3 I was hired as the “labour trouble shooter” for contracts in the Middle East. To say my CV, references and interviews were bizarre is an understatement. For example in 1979, an ‘employment interview’ started totally by chance whilst drinking in the Cross Keys, Lawrence Street. Chelsea. I got into a conversation about nothing special, just usual the bar bullshit with a random guy who seemed interesting. After a few beers we decided to change pubs. As we walked up Oakey Street, I eyed three ‘jack the lads’ standing by a Pillar box on…

  • My Blog

    My Bizarre Life on the Oil Rigs 1970s

    Which is crazier and/or more dangerous? Being caught in high winds whilst working in a suspended cradle 200 ft above the North Sea? OR Getting involved in blood-splattered battles in the construction camp bar? My circuitous journey from London’s underworld to Loch Kishorn began when situations were getting very ‘hot’ and I’d had to hurriedly exit London for health reasons. It was in my best interests if lived discretely; merely a temporary move until ‘things’ quietened down. Except from my book : https://www.livealifetodiefor.co.uk/the-book-live-a-life-to-die-for/ Chapter 8 , page 45 #livealifetodiefor #livealifetodiefor #MoreThanMyPast #itsrogerx I want to tell you more about my extraordinary journey.

  • My Blog,  Recovery,  Speaking

    I Am More Than My Past – So are You : Let’s Shape a New Future Together

    From crime, addiction and cancer to wild adventures highlights that I am “More than my past”. I wrote and published a book, “Live a Life to Die For”, it’s my story of transformation, I hope that others (maybe you) will read it and understand that there is no limitation to what human beings can achieve. If there is a message to this book it’s that I’m just an ordinary guy who went out and did extraordinary things. Roger, is an Ambassador for ‘Hope and Vision Communities” https://hopeandvision.org.uk/our-supporters/ambassadors. Hope and Vision Communities work with people who have successfully left treatment for addiction but need a new place to call home. We rent houses…

  • My Blog

    Tallinding Project : Provides Children Access to School in The Gambia

    The Tallinding Project started when John and Christine Carter got involved with the building of a small Nursery School in the area known as Tallinding. Since, it’s grown to help even more children from every age group. Their aim moving forward is to give every child, no matter how needy, access to quality education. They have a number of success stories among our boys and girls; many are starting school for the first time and others are returning. There are those who have been on the program and are progressing to secondary, plus there are those who did exceptionally well and are now at University. Some kids have returning to their…

  • My Blog

    Football is being used as a Powerful Tool; Changing Lives for the Better

    We, Moving Mountains, launched the hugely successful ‘Black Cats’ Sports Program; which initially used Football to attract street children, boys and girls from the rural and slum communities. When the kids are playing and training, they are distracted away from the dangers and pitfalls that goes with living on the street; this includes crime, glue sniffing, drugs, prostitution and alcohol abuse. The charity provide kits including boots: also importantly football Coaches to supervise, support and encourage. Once trust is established we have been very successful in introducing the street kids to the benefits of Education. They are assisted in returning to local schools. In many cases where need and commitment…

  • My Blog

    Moving Mountains Trust: Changes Lives for the Better

    Moving Mountains changes lives; Rescue Center for Street Kids & Feeding Program – Kenya, Nepal and Tanzania In many Towns our main priority is the high number of ‘street’ children; to address this serious problem we have created Rescue Centers that ‘each’ provides roughly 200 hot and substantial meals every day for the kids. We do not discriminate between street kids and those attending school who suffer from extreme poverty. In a high number of cases children from poor families, who are attending school, will have had no evening meal and had no breakfast; being constantly hungry seriously limits concentration and the ability to learn. In addition, at the Rescue…

  • My Blog

    Children create their own family bonds

    There are six small orphaned children here between the ages of 2 and 4 years old who have formed a family bond. When I give one a biscuit he or she will not leave me until I give them another 5 for their chums; if I don’t they will run off and fetch all the others, making certain they all get an equal share. Yesterday I gave Moses (2yrs old) a plate on which there were 6 slices of pineapple, he can’t count. You could see the confusion and fear on his little face. Bless him he did hand the plate out to his chums and the look of relief…

  • My Blog

    Mama Sarah Obama: The Remarkable Grandmother of Barack Obama

    Mama Sarah Obama, grandmother of Barack Obama – 44rd President of the United States of America Mama Sarah Obama, whom I was fortunate to spend a couple of hours privately with; before she was due to visit her grandson, Barack in Washington DC. She was remarkably sharp and enthusiastic, with a great sense of humor. She talked passionately about her efforts to promote education. Noting that she herself had never attended school. Mama Sarah told me “I realized the value of education when somebody would bring me a letter and I could not read it!”, so Mama Sarah made certain that all her children received an education “including Barack Obama…

  • My Blog

    The Revenge of the Termites: Combating the Rising Threat…

    I traveled from Siaya District, crossing the Rift Valley, to a small town on the slopes of Mt Kenya, near Nanyuki, where the British Army has a large base. I booked into a Hotel that caters for Mzungu (white people) who are planning to climb Mt Kenya. That evening there was a tremendous storm. I was in bed reading under under the canopy created by my mosquito net. Suddenly there was a build up of crashing and a buzzing racket; my room was being invaded by hundreds of Flying Termites! This particular specie is a similar in size to UK Dragon flies, 4 x 2.5cm wings, with a body length…

  • My Blog

    Kevin Obote

    Kevin Otieno Obote, both parents died and he lived for a time with his Auntie. He arrive at 8yrs with bad asthma, thin and had ringworm. He recovered well after receiving treatment and enjoying a healthy diet. Now doing well at school, he is usually in the top group, studying so he can get a place at University. He wants to become a Doctor.

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If you would like to get in touch with me, send me a quick message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.

I shall look forward to hearing from you.

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Live a Life to Die For

This is the remarkable and inspiring true story of a man who went from being a violent criminal and alcoholic to a charity worker, extreme adventurer and World Record holder.