Every Adventurer Needs a Hand Saw in Their Survival Kit
A hand saw is essential for every outdoor adventure, from a day’s hike to the rigors of long backcountry expeditions. I strongly encourage all fellow travelers to carry one
How to Choose the Best Hand Saw for Your Expeditions
You may choose to carry a lightweight Folding Hand Saw on your belt; an ideal Bushcraft Saw for camping, gardening or on a hike.

Or the versatile heavy-duty handsaw when Trekking or for the Wilderness Adventures: my proven favourite has the comfortable pistol grip and razor-sharp teeth, that makes for a superb go-to-work saw!

Both have an efficient ‘pull stroke’ cutting action is protective of the blade and importantly “less tiring” to use…
There are many ways a ‘Saw’ comes in handy ; users include tree surgeons, farmers, landscapers and domestic gardeners; also campers, trekkers and on occasions it is the survivalist best friend.
#livealifetodiefor . #samuraisaw #samuraisaws #MoreThanMyPast #itsrogerx