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Mama Sarah Obama: The Remarkable Grandmother of Barack Obama

Mama Sarah Obama, grandmother of Barack Obama – 44rd President of the United States of America

Roger with Mama Sarah Obama
Roger with Mama Sarah Obama

Mama Sarah Obama, whom I was fortunate to spend a couple of hours privately with; before she was due to visit her grandson, Barack in Washington DC.

She was remarkably sharp and enthusiastic, with a great sense of humor.

She talked passionately about her efforts to promote education. Noting that she herself had never attended school.

Mama Sarah told me “I realized the value of education when somebody would bring me a letter and I could not read it!”, so Mama Sarah made certain that all her children received an education “including Barack Obama Snr”; whom she pedaled 6 miles to and from the nearest school daily.

The Mama Sarah Foundation has already educated Kenyans who have gone on to become ‘doctors, university professors, engineers and senators’.

“Without school the cycle of poverty continues” says Mama Sarah Obama.

We also spoke of the number of children supported by her Foundation also by the Orphanage in which I was assisting in, who have been orphaned as a result of Aids and poverty.

With a great big beaming smile on her face, Mama Sarah spoke proudly of her son Barack Obama Snr and grandson President Barack Obama; observing how remarkably alike they are in looks, mannerisms and tone of voice.

We spoke through an interpreter as my Swahili is somewhat limited, 10 mispronounced words – on a good day!

Mama Sarah Obama 1922- 29 March 2021

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